Google+ Adventures in Paleo-land: TV-free Week

Friday, July 6, 2012

TV-free Week

Back in elementary school, I would participate in the annual No TV Week. The purpose of this event is to encourage people to spend less time sedentary in front of the TV and instead do activities that promote physical activity, social interaction, literacy, etc. I remember being really upset that I was missing Power Rangers. Somehow, I got over it.

I feel like I've been really busy lately and have been having a hard time finding time to workout and have a social life. I've also had a lot of household chores and other goals that I've been meaning to do. I do watch TV most nights that I'm at home, though most of the times I only half-watch it while I'm cleaning, writing blog posts, working out, or cooking. My theory is that if I cut out TV altogether I'll be more productive because I'll put my full attention on one task instead of dividing it between multiple things.

As of yesterday, I'm cutting out TV and Facebook from my life for one week. The only times that TV will be acceptable is when I'm working out (i.e. the TV is on in the gym). I'm hoping that I'll find more time to relax and use my time more wisely. I also want to spend more time outside.

Wish me luck!

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