Google+ Adventures in Paleo-land: July Goals

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

July Goals

I've mentioned lately that I need motivation. Those of you who know me personally know that I can have an iron will when it comes to eating healthy and working out. You should also know that sometimes I'm as weak-willed as any average Joe you meet walking down the street. I'm really good at sneaking snacks, even when I'm technically only "hiding" them from myself. As I mentioned a while ago, my mom has always tried to get me to eat healthy, and she succeeded for the most part. Despite this I wasn't a skinny child. I remember feeling uncomfortable with my weight in 3rd grade. My mom tried to be helpful, but sometimes it just made me either feel guilty or angry. I definitely remember times when my mom would glare at me for grabbing a second helping of whatever we had for dinner. Because of these glares, I indirectly developed my sneaking food habit. Whether or not I actually had (or have) skills at this is still unknown to me. And I guess I kind of view my unhealthy snacks as okay as long as nobody else notices. It's an accountability issue for me. And it's also the reason why I share my decision to go and attempt to stay Paleo with almost everyone. If everyone knows about my diet and I still eat something "bad," then I feel guilty.

So anyways, I need to set some short-term goals for myself that I feel are attainable for me. It's my birthday in three weeks and I think that's a good deadline these new goals. So my new short-term goals are as follows:
  1. Run 4 miles without any breaks.
  2. Exercise a minimum of 30 minutes per day.
  3. Cut out all processed sugars (no dark chocolate) and minimize natural sugar (fruit/honey) intake. - This one will be really tough since I usually turn to sweets when I'm stressed and work is in crazy-stressful mode right now.
  4. Limit alcohol consumption.
  5. Hold a wall sit for 2 minutes.
I'll keep you posted on my progress. Fingers crossed!

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