Google+ Adventures in Paleo-land: Rainbow Whisk

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Rainbow Whisk

Check out my latest kitchen purchase! A rainbow-colored silicon whisk. And it was only $3 at my local H-E-B grocery store! I had been planning on getting a whisk for a while (somehow I've survived for 7 years since moving out of my parents' house without a whisk). I'll tell ya, it has been a sad, sad existence, but I've persevered and reached the point in my life where I have deemed it necessary to own a whisk. And the fates have smiled upon me and provided me with the most colorful whisk I've ever seen.

As I was walking past the kitchen utensils section of the grocery store, the whisk caught my eye from across the bakery section. (I was walking through the baked goods area, not salivating at all of the bread that I don't eat. If you happened to be walking in the same H-E-B at the same time as me, the person drooling over bread was definitely not me... just to be clear.) Anyways, my eye = caught, so I bee-lined past the fresh tortillas and snatched up the whisk, placing it lovingly in my cart. This momentous occasion occurred a week ago and I have yet to use the whisk. I'm thinking that the first task is going to be making some homemade paleo mayonnaise. Keep your fingers crossed for me. I want to avoid the disaster that I encountered on my last attempt.

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