Google+ Adventures in Paleo-land: Whole 30 - Day 20

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Whole 30 - Day 20

Today I got called out by the guy working the cash register at my local Whole Food on my Paleoness. Why? you ask. Because of the seaweed snacks that I bought today. So as he's ringing me up, he turns to me and asks "Paleo?" While I'm packing my purchases into my backpack, I look up and ask "How did you know?" Then I looked down at the bottles in my hand and see my coconut oil (OMG I just cannot get enough of it, and I guess I have to buy it every time I see it on sale) and coconut aminos. Oh, right. He then looks at the seaweed snacks and mentions that he's never tried them before and questions whether they're Paleo. He flips over the package and scans the ingredients list. And then he points out the fact that there is canola oil in the seaweed snacks. "Oh. Well I wouldn't eat these because I'm really strict." Ooooohhh, burn. So so right though. After I left I realized that I picked up the wrong brand. There's another brand of seaweed snacks that doesn't use canola oil. Oops. So now I have seaweed snacks at home that I won't be eating. Oh well, I still walked to and from the Whole Foods (about a mile each way), and came away with coconut oil, coconut aminos, and some veggies. So overall, it was a good trip. And a relaxing way to spend my afternoon after a 6 a.m. row, followed by an unplanned nap, then a sushi lunch with LMR. So scratch that to say it's been a very relaxing and rejuvenating day.

Now for what I whipped up for breakfast...
2 eggs
2 cups baby kale
1/4 cup chicken breast, shredded
1/2 sweet potato
1/2 cup blueberries

1. Add 1 Tbls ghee to a pan and heat over medium-low heat. Once hot, add the kale and chicken. 
2. When the kale has cooked down, add the eggs and stir to scramble.
3. Cook for a few minutes or until the eggs are cooked through.
4. Serve with half of a baked sweet potato and a half cup of blueberries.

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