Google+ Adventures in Paleo-land: Happy Easter and Paleo in Atlanta

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter and Paleo in Atlanta

In honor of Easter weekend, I've returned to my hometown to visit my family. We went to dinner Friday night and got steak. Yum!!! Unfortunately I also managed to lose my camera at the restaurant. I'm very sad about that. Possibly this is an excuse for me to invest in a SLR.

Yesterday morning my parents and I all slept in until around 9 a.m. All of us sleeping in that late is unheard of in our household. I woke up and took the yorkies outside, at which point my mom got up to join me for Kenpo X. Yes, you read that right. My mother, who is 34 years older than me, did P90X. So what's your excuse for not working out? It better be a good one!

After P90X, we made scrambled eggs with veggies, my leftover steak, and some ham. I used my mom's camera to document the experience. We used 1/4 cup each of yellow, orange, red, and green bell peppers, 2 cloves of garlic, 1/3 cup onions, 1/2 cup broccoli, 3 mushrooms, sliced, and 9 eggs. We used 2 slices of ham, cubed, and 1/4 cup steak.

Begin by heating 2 tablespoons of olive oil on medium heat. Add the onions and garlic, cooking until translucent. Then add in all of the veggies. If you are like me, I prefer the peppers to be a bit more crisp, so I'll usually add the mushrooms and broccoli 5 minutes before I add the peppers. After you've cooked the veggies to your liking, add the pre-cooked meat. If your meat isn't pre-cooked, you should add in the meat after the onions and garlic.

Mix in the eggs and cook until fluffy. Serve with some sliced avocado and top with salsa (my dad preferred ketchup, so if you like that, whip up some home-made paleo ketchup and use that instead).
I love my parents' kitchen. They have so any nifty gadgets and pretty stainless steel. Did I mention that my parents, like me, organized their spices in alphabetical order?... I love them!


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