Google+ Adventures in Paleo-land: Yoga and your wrists

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Yoga and your wrists

From Wesleyan University student blog
P90X yoga may be my least favorite of all of the routines. In general I like yoga, but doing 90 minutes of yoga can be a bit tedious and boring. I'm not a huge fan of the holding a pose for an extended period of time, and some of those poses are virtually impossible for me. For example, twisting half moon (shown to the right), is quite unpleasant. Somehow you're supposed to balance on one leg with the other parallel to the floor. Then you have to twist your upper body toward the leg which your body weight is resting on. Whenever I do this, my hip decides to lock up and I start to fall over. Did I mention that this is a weekly occurrence? And that it's painful? I know that my yoga time is supposed to allow me to clear my mind and focus just on me and my breathing. But how many of you can really clear your mind when your quads start to shake and your hips ache?

Downward dog is the stepping stone to many of the other poses. We start with sun salutations and chaturangas, push up to upward dog, and make a pit stop at plank before continuing on to downward dog via a military push-up (keep those elbows clenched to your sides!). From downward dog, we raise one foot off of the ground and swing it through to runner's pose. Now this is the juicy cream filling part of the symphony that is Yoga X... From runner's pose we can go to Warrior One, Warrior Two, Reverse Warrior, Warrior Three, Triangle Pose, Right Angle Pose, etc. The bane of my existence (as I mentioned above) stems from Warrior Three.

Downward dog brings me to the topic of wrists. Is there a way to strengthen wrists so that those dogs, chaturangas, and tables are less painful? An article from lists wrist curls, reverse wrist curls, wrist rolls, and wrist rotations as wrist strengthening exercises. I think I need to find the time to do this... if anyone finds a Time-Turner like Hermione had, please let me know so I can borrow it from you... Thanks bunches!

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