Google+ Adventures in Paleo-land: 21DSD Day 11 - Prosciutto on a Burger? Yummmm

Thursday, May 23, 2013

21DSD Day 11 - Prosciutto on a Burger? Yummmm

First off: Hell yes! Half-way through! 11 days down. 10 more to go. And I managed to go all of today at work without snacking. Amazing!

In sad news, it was one of my friends last days at work with my company. He's switching to a different company a couple miles down the road where he can hang out with two of our other friends. I'm happy for him, but super sad that he's leaving my cubicle bay. Who will I talk to about awesome cooking knives, or Paleo, or working out, or things like the Engineer's Guide to Cats ( So, we may have taken a sanity break from work last Saturday (yes, work on a Saturday) to watch a little bit of cat yodeling... don't judge.

Anyways, back to 21DSD... I lasted 48 hours without any nuts. And it was glorious. But, when hunger starts calling, and you're at a restaurant where everything on the menu would need serious tweaking to make it 21DSD-friendly, then sometimes you cave in and eat the handy nuts. And that I did. I ate pistachios. I admit it. And I can tell you that within a few minutes of eating them, my stomach started grumbling at me. Bad sign? Please don't tell me that my body doesn't like pistachios. They're so yummy! We'll see what happens after a week without nuts when I try them again.

It's probably is a better idea to go off of nuts next week anyways. I'm celebrating the long weekend with some friends and there will be roughly 8 hours where I won't have access to a fridge, a store, or a stove, so I need something to sustain me, that's preferably not a sandwich that I have to eat the insides out of. I'm thinking that nuts may suffice for part of that. I'm still trying to figure out for sure what I'm going to bring with me. Carrots and celery are definitely on the menu, and I just chopped up quite a bit of those tonight in preparation. I'll keep you posted on what I end up eating.

Anyways, here's one of the ways that I tossed together toppings for a 21DSD-friendly burger (man, I really wish that I could have continued the "t" alliteration there)... 

Guacamole - Prosciutto Burger

So, this is simple. Grill, fry, or broil your ground beef. Then top with guacamole, tomato, mini-bell pepper slices, and a slice of prosciutto. Wrap with iceberg lettuce (I find iceberg is the best for wrapping). Then open that gaping hole in your face, and insert burger. Chew. Swallow. Repeat. 

And yep, I got fancy and added prosciutto to my burger. Just keepin' it classy, y'all. Try to contain your jealousy... jk. Go out and get the makings yourself. Then you can enjoy the yumminess, too!

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