Google+ Adventures in Paleo-land: Whole 30 - Meat and Brains?

Friday, November 30, 2012

Whole 30 - Meat and Brains?

No, no. I'm not saying you need to eat brains. We're not zombies here. However, I read an article lately which claimed that a vegan/vegetarian lifestyle would not have allowed humans' brains to grow as large as they did. Apparently, a raw vegan diet requires too much time and effort (chewing) in order to get the large amount of nutrients necessary to support brain functions. Yet another reason to eat Paleo/Whole 30/Primal.

Early humans eating only raw vegetation would have needed to munch
for more than nine hours a day to consume enough calories.

Cooking food reduces the amount of time necessary for chewing. So once our ancestors learned about cooking, they didn't have to spend as much time ruminating on food. And their brains were able to grow. Cool, right?

Just some food for thought... Get it? Lol.

Sorry vegans, eating meat and cooking food is how humans got their big brains

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