Google+ Adventures in Paleo-land: Disappearing Act

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Disappearing Act

I've been M.I.A. for a bit. Do you ever get to a point where you just need to break from the norm? That's how I've been feeling lately. For the past couple weeks, I've just been in the mood to spend some time alone, doing not much of anything. I've needed a break (and still need bit of one), so that's what I've been doing. I'm not hiding in a cave and painting on walls somewhere though. I'm still being somewhat social, but I've been letting myself have some "me" time. It's kind of become part of my Paleo/Primal journey. Spending time alone, without a clear task has never been my strong suit; I always feel the need to be doing something - to be achieving something. I've realized though, that doing that can wear me out. And I've been feeling very worn out for a while now. One of the goals that I had for myself with the 21-day challenge from Mark's Daily Apple was to get eight hours of sleep each night. I haven't been achieving that every day, but I have been noticing that if I don't get a full eight hours, I can't wake up in the morning. For the last two weeks, if I wake up before I achieve eight hours of sleep, I end up snoozing or accidentally turning off my alarm. I eventually wake up after I hit the eight-hour mark. This has happened every weekday for the last couple weeks. And on the weekends, I've been sleeping eight to ten hours. You'd think that I'd be full of energy after all of that, but I'm not. Thus, I've been trying to give myself some time to recharge. For me, that means knitting and watching Netflix, in particular The West Wing. Sounds like fun, huh? I haven't been doing a lot of cooking lately, besides tossing together a couple eggs, some dark greens, and maybe a link of sausage or something. Nothing special.

Today, I made chocolate banana bread. I had a banana that had gotten rather brown, and it was time to either throw it out or use it for for baking banana bread. Given that I love chocolate, I decided to add that into the mix. It turned out alright, but the texture wasn't quite what I was aiming for. I'd share the recipe with you, but I don't think it's worth it. I'll still eat all of it though. Here's how it looked.

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