Google+ Adventures in Paleo-land: Lent

Thursday, February 14, 2013


Every year I participate in Lent, and this year is no different. For the past 5 years or so, I've given up sodas and sweets (such as cookies and candies). I did the same thing last year. Then a week or so after Lent began, I started Paleo, and gave up a lot more things. This year, I needed to think of something different. I still have sodas and sweets every once and a while, but it's drastically lower quantities than what I used to consume in the past (I only have tonic or soda water when I have a mixed drink). So for this year, I've decided to give up TV. I already canceled my cable subscription in January, but I'm going to say no to my nightly Netflix for the next 40 days.* The reason why I've chosen to give up Netflix is that I'll come home from work and sit down to watch something on Netflix. The result is that I end up watching more and eating more food than I intended. I like watching TV and movies, but I get a bit bored and fidgety. I stave off boredom by eating. Bad plan if you ask me. I'm well aware of this habit of mine, which is why it's time to change.

So don't ask me if I know what's going on in your favorite TV series. I won't know.
And of course, I'll be using Lent to refocus on Paleo.

*I will make exceptions to watch a movie with friends or family. However, it will not be my suggestion. And I'll be bringing knitting to keep my hands busy and away from the food.

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