Google+ Adventures in Paleo-land: When I have no willpower

Thursday, June 6, 2013

When I have no willpower

These past few days have tested my willpower and I have found myself lacking. What happened? Well, I'll tell you...

On Tuesday morning, I had a nice little trip to the orthodontist, where I received a partial retainer. This retainer spans the front six teeth on my bottom jaw and will readjust my teeth which are starting to crowd. Seriously, am I that vain that I want to correct a slight crowding that I promise nobody but me notices? Fortunately, no. Apparently small bottom jaws and jaw clenching runs in my family. And I've noticed my teeth have moved and gotten more crowded over the past 6 months. So I'm trying to be proactive and correct an issue that will only get worse with age by using a removable retainer, which is cheaper and faster than doing something like Invisalign, which would move ALL of my teeth instead of just the front ones. Clearly I am vain enough that I refused to get braces at age 25. Thanks, but no.

So, my orthodontist started by flossing my teeth with sandpaper. Yeah, it's about as exciting as it sounds. The sandpaper floss trimmed down the sides of my teeth to allow space for them to be realigned. Then he ninja-ed this small concoction of metal and plastic onto my teeth. OWWW! It felt like it was wedged into place and never coming out. Anyways, the whole thing took maybe 15 minutes and I managed to get to work (10 minutes away) by 8 when I had a 7:30 a.m. appointment. At least they're prompt, right?

I lasted at work for a few hours before I decided that I needed to eat something, since I hadn't eaten breakfast. (I had forgotten that I had the appointment until 20 minutes before I was supposed to be there. Oops.) I removed the retainer, breathed a sigh of relief, and carefully started eating my Guacamole To-Go. After flossing and brushing my teeth, it was time to reinsert the retainer. Luckily I was in the bathroom for this event, because I totally broke down crying. That would have been awkward at my desk. One of my co-workers was kind enough to give me some Advil, which held me over for a bit, but the pain was enough to drive me to distraction. After struggling to focus on work, I eventually gave up and went home 30 minutes earlier than I intended.

What did I do after leaving work? Went to Whole Foods to pick up some dinner. 

What did I end up getting in addition to dinner? Chocolate almond coconut ice cream, Miles of Chocolate (gluten-free brownie), and dark chocolate covered cocoa nibs. Yep. Within 48 hours of finished 21DSD, I went wild with chocolate. Because I apparently have NO self control when I don't feel well and am in pain. Must work on that. I've had candy since getting the retainer (letting the chocolate melt in my mouth).

And the toughest part? My standby vegetable snacks from 21DSD are too hard. Eating carrots is next to impossible with how sore my front teeth are. And while eating a carrot using the side of your mouth like Bugs Bunny is cool and all, it's just plain ridiculous to try. I've been chewing a lot of things with my molars the last few days. Like the rib-eye steak I ate half of for lunch today.

So what healthy Paleo snacky foods can I have that are light n the chewing front? I dunno. Avocado. Grapes? Pre-cut pear? Suggestions anyone?

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