Google+ Adventures in Paleo-land: The Hobbit Repercussions

Saturday, December 15, 2012

The Hobbit Repercussions

Amazingly, I had decent energy for most of the day despite only getting 3 hours of sleep after watching The Hobbit and consuming no caffeine during the day. I did have a lack-of-sleep headache for most of the day (yes, I get headaches when I'm tired), and I'm thinking that my stomach was pissed at me for drinking soda because I was queasy all day. But despite that, I was able to stay focused while I was at work. However, once I finally left work at 6:45 last night, the tiredness kicked in, and I fell asleep from 8 until 11 p.m., at which point I woke up for a few missed text messages from my friends wondering why I wasn't at JZ's going away party. I texted my apologies, but could barely keep my eyes open and fell back asleep, not getting out of bed until 9:00 a.m. today.

So was it worth going to the midnight show of The Hobbit? I'm going with a no. The movie was good; I really enjoyed it. However, being exhausted and falling asleep at 8:00 p.m. on a Friday night brings the response to no. Oh well. I must keep this in mind for next time.

And in a change of subject... if you're still debating whether to give up grains... Check out this article, or even better, this article. Or if you want a book: Wheat Belly by Dr. William Davis.
Some random facts:
  • Today's hybridized wheat contains sodium azide, a well-known toxin. It also goes through gamma irradiation processes during manufacturing.
  • Two slices of whole wheat bread will raise blood sugar levels more than a candy bar.
  • Famous celebrities who are gluten free: Jennifer Esposito (celiac), Elizabeth Hasselbeck (celiac), Emmy Rossum (celiac), Chelsea Clinton (gluten-intolerance/wheat allergy), Zooey Deschanel (wheat allergy), and Ryan Phillipe (wheat allergy).

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